Monday, November 1, 2010

The essay I'm working on is children of the city invincible by Kozol and my focus is conditions in inner city school. Since i went to an inner city school i will be able to compare and contrast with what the essay states and give my input on what the the author writes
In the essay, Praise the F Word by Mary Sherry, the author tells that flunking a student or threatening to flunk a student is better than passing them on because of other reasons besides making the grade. It prepares them for real world situations where if you dont do whats required then you want reep the benefits of doing whats required. Its also for the students best interest so that they will understand whats necessary to learn more and not have to go back and start over.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why did I come to college?

I came to college to get a degree in business management.  Since I like the field of business I think it would suite me well to pursue a career in business.  I've did a little research and I've learned the average college graduate makes an average of about 40,000 a year.  I've been working since I was 16 and it's not hard to realize that with a degree I can almost quadruple my yearly income from past years in just one year. And in today's society the average worker will at least need some type of higher education, so naturally I would need some college education to live above and beyond the average expectation of a young male in this society.  I also came to college to gain knowledge not only for a job, but for myself.  Knowledge is key even without a degree I won't be illiterate or I can still no more than one way to accomplish my goals.  I don't necessarily think you need a degree to be successful but it helps a lot.  I personally know people who don't have a college education but have good jobs with companies such as the IRS and city workers.  So you don't necessarilly need a degree to obtain a good job, but it's more likely you will stay employed longer with some kind of degree.  My overall opinion is that it is very beneficial to me and society to get a college education.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Summary to Whitfield

Hilary Whitfield, who wrote Children Left behind talked about her experiences with schools who dont have the students best interest in mind in comparison with Kozol's book Savage Inequalities. She wishes there were more teachers that cared about the students instead of getting a paycheck. She also stresses that the learning environment that you are in reflects how, and how much learning a student will learn.

Monday, September 27, 2010

The person I'm writing about is my uncle Cedric Diggins.

The focus I would like to distinguish is how important is education to my uncle and how it helped him or didn't help him get to where he is in life.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

What is the thesis for your paper. My thesis is Life is Precious and It will only be what You make it.

List the main points you make in your paper. The main points I make in my paper are: Why K.C. is a special place to me, what living in K.C. has taught me, the sports in Kansas City, and also the food in Kansas City.

What was the most helpful advice did you recieve from peer review?
The most helpful advice I recieved was to use details.

What was the most helpful info. you recieved in class for your paper?
The most helpful advice i recieved in class is to add more details to my supporting topics with examples or experiences I've been through.

I wrote three rough drafts. I changed my topic after I wrote my first one. I went with my last two and types two rough drafts also.
1.What questions do you have for task ?
I two questions for task two. My first is what is the length of the paper. My second is what can we research to learn more about this kind of writing.

2.What sort of questions would you ask and why?
A question I would ask is what was it like without education and how did it feel after you went back or finished school. Another I would ask is how did you feel at school once went back.

3.What sort of problems do you think will arise for task two?
Finding someone who has went back to school after dopping out will be a problem because i don't know many people that have went back after dropping out.